
Why custom development beats no-code every time

Vitaliy Zarubin
Written by Vitaliy Zarubin09 oct 2024

Imagine this: a client comes to you trying to decide between custom development and a ready-made no-code solution for building a taxi app. We've seen this scenario play out more than once, and there's always the same misconception: **"Maybe there's a ready-made Uber-like solution lying around that we can just grab and go".

Let's clear this up right away. Uber, Lyft or any other service doesn't just throw its source code out into the world for anyone to use. Their app represents thousands of hours of work, countless iterations and improvements - nobody just leaves that lying around. And even if they did, how likely is it that you could take their code and make it fit your business needs perfectly?

No code vs custom development: What's better?

No-code platforms promise quick results without writing code, but they often only work for simple tasks. Try building a complete taxi app using one of these platforms. Sure, you'll get something basic, but here's the question: How long will it last? What happens when your servers can't handle the load, when customers start complaining about bugs, or when the system simply doesn't scale? This is where the limitations of off-the-shelf solutions really kick in.

On the other hand, custom development isn't just about building an application. It's about expertise, experience and understanding the processes that drive your business. Yes, it takes longer and costs more, but it's worth it when you're not constantly bumping up against limitations and you can develop your product the way you need it, not the way the platform allows you to.

The taxi app example

When we talk about building a taxi app, we understand that it's not a simple product. You need at least three main components:

  1. **Driver App: Where the driver can view jobs, routes and manage their earnings.
  2. **Fleet Management App: For managing jobs, tracking vehicles in real time and monitoring driver performance.
  3. Admin Panel: For the call centre and operators to monitor service quality and handle incidents.

Not to mention the Billing Systems that manage all payments between the driver, the passenger and the fleet.

When you opt for custom development, you're not just paying for the code. You're paying to ensure that all these business processes are properly integrated. For example, your driver needs to know exactly when to accept a ride, how long to respond and what metrics to track. And the operator needs to see in real time where all the cars are and what's happening with each job. **No-code platforms simply can't handle these complex business processes - they're just not built for it.

IT Architecture taxi

Scalability and support

What happens when your business grows? No-code platforms don't scale well. Starting with basic servers is like building a house on sand. In a few months you'll hit the ceiling and your product will stop working.

Custom development, on the other hand, is built from the ground up with growth in mind. We always use cloud-based solutions** so that your application can scale smoothly as your user base grows.

This means your app is ready for any load and won't crash at peak times.

When you hire developers, you buy expertise

When you pay for a development team, you're not just paying for code, you're paying for expertise. That includes the knowledge and skills needed to make your product not just "work", but work efficiently. It also includes experience, something you simply can't get for free on a no-code platform. Yes, out-of-the-box solutions may seem cheaper, but quality tools come from hard work, and nobody gives that away for free.


Ultimately, custom development is about flexibility, scalability and long-term benefits. You're not just paying for an application; you're paying for the opportunity to build a product that works exactly the way your business needs it to. When it comes to complex projects like a taxi app, off-the-shelf solutions will always fall short compared to custom-built ones. So if you care about your business, think about how custom development can meet your current needs and lay the foundation for future growth.

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